Chasing Excellence

Life-Changing Quotes (Hoppertalk #05)

Episode Summary

HopperTalk is back this week. Patrick and I talk through the adult problems nobody prepared us for, whether Tia is the most dominant athlete in CrossFit Games history, things from the 90s that we miss, and more.

Episode Notes

HopperTalk is back this week. Patrick and I talk through the adult problems nobody prepared us for, whether Tia is the most dominant athlete in CrossFit Games history, things from the 90s that we miss, and more.

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02:05 - What's a quote that's permanently changed the way you look at things?
11:10 - What is something free on the internet that everyone should take advantage of?
24:00 - What benchmark workout should appear in the CrossFit Games?
28:40 - What is the worst minor injury?
31:50 - What is an "adult problem" that nobody prepared you for?
37:50 - Is Tia Clair Toomey the most dominant athlete the CrossFit Games has ever seen?
40:50 - What has no right to be as difficult as it is?
54:00 - What is a simple, painful fact that people need to just get over & accept?
59:05 - What's something from the 90s that you miss?
63:54 - How many fist pumps are acceptable in a training session?

About the Show

Chasing Excellence is dedicated to dissecting what it means to live a life of excellence, inside the gym and out. New episodes every Tuesday.

About Ben

Ben Bergeron is a best-selling author, coach to 7 CrossFit Games champions, and founder of CFNE and CompTrain.

About Patrick

Patrick Cummings is a long-time CrossFitter, podcaster, and brand coach to gym owners & entrepreneurs.