Chasing Excellence

What's the Big Thing You're Chasing? (HopperTalk #01)

Episode Summary

We're testing out a new (fun?) show format this week called 10 Questions. Patrick and I share our answers to a handful of random questions, including popular things that are annoying and the most underrated CrossFit athletes.

Episode Notes

We're testing out a new (fun?) show format this week called 10 Questions. Patrick and I share our answers to a handful of random questions, including popular things that are annoying and the most underrated CrossFit athletes.

Jump to a Question:

02:10 - What is something popular now that annoys you?
04:30 - What pro athlete from outside CrossFit would you want to coach?
08:45 - What is the craziest, most outrageous thing you want to achieve?
17:20 - If you could go on a 4 hour drive with any CF Flow Master, who would you choose?
19:40 - If you had a HUD (head’s up display) that showed three stats about any person you looked at, what three stats would you want it to show?
26:20 - Who is the most underrated CF Games athlete currently competing? How about ever?
32:30 - What’s the most boring sport, and what would you do to make it more exciting?
37:30 - What’s legal now, but probably won’t be in 25 years?
39:20 - What was the biggest realization you’ve recently had about yourself?
47:15 - What male & female CF Games athlete would you choose to be on your zombie apocalypse team?

About the Show

Chasing Excellence is dedicated to dissecting what it means to live a life of excellence, inside the gym and out. New episodes every Tuesday.

About Ben

Ben Bergeron is a best-selling author, coach to 7 CrossFit Games champions, and founder of CFNE and CompTrain.

About Patrick

Patrick Cummings is a long-time CrossFitter, podcaster, and brand coach to gym owners & entrepreneurs.